Our Technical Collaborations

Our Technical Collaborations

  Sl.No Partner Associated with IP 12200 Product(s) Future Benefits
  1 IIT- Chennai Development of ODS Alloys Gas Atomisation facility is set up completely at our works with their association.
  2 TATA Steel – R & D Division Jamshedpur Additive Manufacturing powders
Surface Coating Powders
Pure Iron Powders
Innomet can be sole supplier to TATA Steel
  3 DMRL- Hyderabad Brake Piston insulation pad Continuous supply, Import substitute product hence has a natural potential for exports
  4 ARCI Pure tungsten for High temperatures An import substitute
  5 BRIT(Board of Radiation & Isotope Technology) Moly Container Camera Body Collimator Approved manufacturer in India
  6 BPCL Critical Component for Hydrogen production Good potential expected.
  7 Altmin Advance Materials Pvt Ltd Battery Materials Business potential is tremendous.

All our products are manufactured in the Powder metallurgy route which is an accredited Green Technology.