Research & Development


Experience A Better Way with Innomet

We believe R&D is the key competency that will enable us reach our dream of becoming a leading global player. The company invests considerably in its Research and Development unit.

Our R&D department continuously focuses its efforts in

(A) Understanding the new and advance technologies in the powder metallurgy industry and attempting new experiments to harness the technology.

(B) Bringing innovation into existing technologies by providing better quality and cost effective solutions.

We follow a structured approach to the research activity with with a blend of

1. Experience to arrive at the solution through minimal trials
2. Rigor in problem solving
3. Enthusiasm to find solutions to the Industry

So that the efforts put in either yield to a new discovery or give us a valuable insight into the study.

R & D Capabilities

We have consistently delivered in meeting the customized demands of our clients and the below list contains some of the activities successfully undertaken by us

1. Development of New metal and alloy powders based on Customer requirements.
2. Development of sintered powder metallurgy components.
3. Associating with customers in field trials for developing better and improved matrix Powders for Diamond tools industries.
4. Improvements in existing products based on the feedback received from Customers.
5. Effecting improvements in the existing processes for better product quality.

We undertake 5kg trial orders supporting all our research and development clients with small size powder samples promoting various kinds of research and development activities.